Saw some1 else had posted a dog training qu. & visited both websites (nothing unfortunately). Does any1 know how i can get my Miniature Pinscher mix to heel on his walks? I've looked at every website i could think of and came up with nothing.

Thnx 4 ur help!
Nat ;)

These sites should give you a lot of good ideas.

Scarlet/Nat -- Please use the same name for your posts.


i don't go by "Scarlet" just "Nat"
& thnx 4 the website ms.sue

Watch out! A person named Scarlett is using your internet address in San Antonio!

Nat/Scarlett must think all of us here at Jiskha were born yesterday or something!

I hope ur all happy cuz I'm NEVER coming here again!

& btw, i just found out that it was my SISTER who wrote that other thing. & how the heck u got my internet address & my location is SO scary & crazy & just plain wrong!
Like i said, hope ur happy cuz im never visiting this website again!

Hi Nat! Training a Miniature Pinscher mix to heel on walks can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and consistency, it's definitely achievable. If you've already explored various websites and haven't found the information you're looking for, don't worry! I'm here to provide you with some helpful tips and guidance on how to train your dog to heel.

1. Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your dog for displaying the desired behavior. In this case, you can offer treats, verbal praise, or a favorite toy to motivate your dog. Whenever your dog walks beside you properly, reward him immediately to reinforce the behavior.

2. Start indoors: Begin the training process inside your home or in a quiet, familiar area. Attach the leash to your dog's collar and hold it firmly, keeping it short. Stand still and encourage your dog to come to your side using treats or toys. As your dog approaches, reward him and provide verbal praise. Repeat this process multiple times, gradually extending the periods of walking together.

3. Use clear commands: Teach your dog a specific command for heeling, such as "heel" or "walk." Use the command consistently during training to establish clarity. Pair the command with positive reinforcement and reward your dog for responding correctly.

4. Practice walking in a controlled environment: Once your dog gets the hang of heeling indoors, it's time to transition to an outdoor setting. Start off in a quiet, low-distraction area and gradually work your way up to busier environments. Keep your dog on a short leash initially to maintain control and maintain your position as the leader.

5. Be patient and consistent: Training takes time and consistency. Make sure to dedicate regular practice sessions to reinforce the heeling behavior. Positive reinforcement and rewards should be consistent throughout the training process to create a positive association with heeling.

6. Seek professional guidance: If you're still struggling with training your Miniature Pinscher mix to heel, consider seeking assistance from a professional dog trainer. A trainer can provide hands-on guidance, personalized advice, and help you address any specific challenges you may encounter.

Remember, every dog is unique, and it may take time for your Miniature Pinscher mix to fully grasp the concept of heeling. Stay patient, positive, and consistent with your training efforts, and you'll likely see progress over time.

I hope these tips help you in your training journey! Good luck, and enjoy your walks with your Miniature Pinscher mix!