were learning about ancient greece and for the test tomorrow i am supposed to explain how the various values described on the following apply to each of the disciplines of literature, philosophy, art and architecture, science and mathematics.

Classical Greek Values

1. Quest for reason and order .
• quest for a balanced society
• ideal of moderation: idea that to achieve this equilibrium, individuals should stay within what seem to be reasonable limits. Everything in due proportion, nothing in excess.
o In Greek drama, for instance, the chorus usually calls for moderation against the excessive passion or excessive pride (hubris ) of the main characters.

2. Humanism: the belief that human ability can triumph over the apparent chaos of the natural world.
• In sculpture, the interest in humanity led to an interst in portraying the human form realistically, while at the same time the quest for balance and order led artists to aim for ideal proportions of beauty, symmetry and balance. (Union of idealism and realism.)
• In architecture, designers were concerned with proportion and the balanced interrelationship of the parts.
o e.g. the sides of the Parthenon had a width-length proportion of four to nine, considered to be the most perfect proportion for appearance.

H.D.F. Kitto on the Greeks’ belief: “...that the universe is based on Reason, and that reasoning can disclose its inner reality. The road to the truth lies not through the sense but through the mind.”

sorry i know its a lot but i am soo confused. please help :) thank you so much!

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Here's a place to start:


Check out Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,Eratosthenes, Hippocrates, and others.

Were I you, I would get my book, and a couple of sheets of paper. Fold the paper in half and write one of those catagories on each half. Then I would review my notes plus topic sentences from the book and write pertinent information on each of those topics. When I had gathered the information, then I would organize it into a logical outline that I could deal with on the test.

The Hellenistic period was rooted in Macedon, whose government took the form of a(n):

Sure, I'd be happy to help you understand how the various values described apply to each of the disciplines of literature, philosophy, art and architecture, science, and mathematics in ancient Greece.

1. Quest for reason and order:
- In literature, the quest for reason and order can be seen through the portrayal of characters who strive for balance and a harmonious society. Greek dramas often caution against excessive behavior and promote moderation.
- In philosophy, the emphasis on reason and order is central. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle sought to understand the world through logical thinking and rational inquiry.
- In art and architecture, the concept of reason and order can be observed through the pursuit of balanced proportions. Artists and architects aimed to create harmony and visual appeal by following principles of symmetry and ideal proportions.
- In science and mathematics, the Greeks believed that the universe was governed by rational laws that could be understood through logical reasoning. Mathematicians like Euclid and Pythagoras made significant advancements in geometry and number theory based on these principles.

2. Humanism:
- In literature, humanism is reflected in the emphasis on human experiences, emotions, and conflicts. Greek tragedies often explore the complexities of human nature and the consequences of human actions.
- In philosophy, humanism is evident in the focus on knowledge, ethics, and the importance of individual reason and self-improvement.
- In art and architecture, humanism is seen through the realistic portrayal of the human form and the celebration of human achievements and ideals. Greek sculptures aimed for naturalistic representations of the human body.
- In science and mathematics, humanism is reflected in the belief that human intellect and reason can understand and explain the natural world. Greeks sought to understand nature through observation, reason, and logical deduction.

To prepare for your test, it would be helpful to review specific examples from each discipline that exemplify these values during ancient Greece. Focus on key literary works, philosophers, artists, architects, and scientific/mathematical advancements. Analyze how these examples embody the values of reason, order, moderation, and humanism, and how they influenced their respective disciplines.

Hope this helps, and good luck with your test!