38/53 in the simplest form

Since 53 is a prime number, your fraction is in the simplest form.


To simplify the fraction 38/53, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator and divide both numbers by this divisor.

In this case, the GCD of 38 and 53 is 1, as there are no common factors other than 1.

Therefore, the simplified form of 38/53 is already in its simplest form.

To simplify the fraction 38/53, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator and divide both by it. Here's how you can do it:

1. Find the GCD of 38 and 53: Start by listing the factors of both numbers and identify the largest number that divides both 38 and 53 without leaving a remainder. In this case, the GCD is 1 since there are no common factors between 38 and 53.

2. Divide both numerator and denominator by the GCD: Divide 38 by 1, which equals 38, and divide 53 by 1, which equals 53.

Therefore, the simplified form of 38/53 is 38/53 itself, as there are no common factors other than 1 between the numerator and denominator.