United Nations, 310, 314, 362 

Charter of, 311
Declaration of, 309
United States, 225, 238, 275, 289
In Big Four, 322, 325-7
In League of Nations, 299
Lend-Lease policy of, 307
Neutrality of, 305
As United Nations sponsor, 313
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 316

"The essence of the Declaration achieved a central goal of the United States, binding the three great nations – as well as the smaller powers- to fight together until the Axis was defeated."

Using the index, which of the following pages would likely contain the sentence above?

A. 305
I chose b

Could be, but I think there's a better answer.

I chose C

To find the page that likely contains the given sentence using the index, you need to look for the keywords or topics mentioned in the sentence. In this case, the keywords to pay attention to are "Declaration," "United States," "binding," "powers," and "Axis defeated."

Begin by checking the index for any of these keywords or related terms.

In option A, page 305, the keyword "Neutrality" is mentioned, but none of the other keywords from the sentence are present.

In option B, page 309, the keyword "Declaration" is mentioned, which matches the reference in the sentence. This page could potentially contain the sentence.

In option C, page 316, the keyword "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" is mentioned, but it does not relate directly to the sentence provided.

Based on the indexing, option B, page 309, is the most likely page to contain the sentence mentioned. Therefore, your choice of option B is correct.