What does this question mean?

Does our current outlook towards other cultures reflect the reality or is it based on stereotypes and our tendency to label and categorize things?

It means your teacher needs a reality check on communication with teens.

I will put it in teen talk:
Does our view of other cultures depend on the truth about them, or does it reflect our mind depending on convenient labels, generalizations, and stereotypes?

It's asking if our opinion about others is based on fact or stereotypes.

Are all Muslims violent?
Are all rich people greedy?
Are all Asians top students?

I would add to the good advice above that when you encounter words in a question like this that you do not understand, look them up. That's part of learning, too. "Stereotype" and "categorize" are not used much in everyday teen-speak, but are good words to know.

This question is asking about the accuracy of our perception and attitude towards different cultures. It is questioning whether our perspective is an accurate reflection of reality or if it is influenced by stereotypes, labeling, and categorization.

To answer this question, one can analyze and evaluate their own outlook towards other cultures. This can be done by reflecting on personal experiences, interactions with people from different cultures, exposure to diverse media sources, and examining any preconceived notions or biases one might have. Additionally, it can be helpful to study the history, traditions, and values of different cultures to gain a more informed understanding.

One can also research and study sociological and anthropological perspectives on how culture is perceived and understood. These fields of study provide insights into the influence of stereotypes and categorization on our outlook towards different cultures. It is important to consider that while stereotypes and categorizations may exist, they often oversimplify and generalize, and may not reflect the true nature and diversity of a given culture.

Engaging in open-minded conversations, actively seeking out diverse perspectives, and challenging our own assumptions can contribute to a more accurate and respectful outlook towards other cultures. It is essential to be aware of any biases or prejudices we may hold and strive to cultivate a more nuanced and empathetic understanding of different cultures.