i have a question on the distributive property 20+24g=


4 (5 + 6 g)

Hey, Dont listen to these people stop using jishika there are a bunch of trolls

Mrbeast ur wrong I get A's for using this

Damon is 💯 correct

To solve the equation 20 + 24g = ?, we can first apply the distributive property to simplify the equation. The distributive property states that when you multiply a number by a sum or difference, you can distribute the multiplication to each term inside the parentheses.

In this case, we don't have any parentheses, but we can still use the distributive property by rewriting the equation as:

20 + (24 * g) = ?

Now we can multiply 24 by g:

20 + 24g = ?

After applying the distributive property, the equation remains the same. The answer is dependent on what value is on the right side of the equation. If the equation is complete with an expression or number on the right side, then you would need to further simplify or solve the equation to find the value of g. If there is nothing on the right side, the equation is incomplete and you might be missing some information.

i know the way

Its 2020 and your saying do u know da way, thats sooooo old, lol

What's 24g+30


do u know da way