express x×x+x+4/(1-x)(x×x+1) into partial fraction

Assuming parentheses around the denominator have been omitted,

the expression is
partial fractions for the third term is required, namely

By adding the right-hand side, we have

By matching coefficients of x²,x and constant term, we obtain
Solving, A=-2, B=C=2
thus the partial fraction is

Be sure to add the partial fractions to the first two terms x²+x.

And assuming the usual sloppiness in the numerator, we have

= (2x+1)/(x²+1) + 3/(1-x)

amazing how little difference it made, eh?

To express the given expression as partial fractions, we need to decompose it into simpler fractions.

Step 1: Factorize the denominator (1-x)(x^2+1):
The denominator, (1-x)(x^2+1), cannot be factored further as it represents the product of two different irreducible quadratic factors.

Step 2: Write the expression in partial fraction form:
Since the denominator cannot be factored further, we can start with the partial fraction form:
(x^2 + x + 4) / ((1 - x)(x^2 + 1)) = A / (1 - x) + (Bx + C) / (x^2 + 1)

Step 3: Finding the values of A, B, and C:
To find the values of A, B, and C, we can multiply the entire equation by the common denominator (1 - x)(x^2 + 1) and simplify it:
(x^2 + x + 4) = A(x^2 + 1) + (Bx + C)(1 - x)

x^2 + x + 4 = Ax^2 + A + Bx - Bx^2 + C - Cx

Grouping the terms with similar powers:
(x^2 + x + 4) = (A - B)x^2 + (B - C)x + (A + C)

By equating the coefficients of each term, we get the following system of equations:

For x^2: A - B = 1
For x: B - C = 1
For constant: A + C = 4

Solving these equations simultaneously gives us the values of A, B, and C.

Step 4: Solving the system of equations:
From the first equation (A - B = 1), we get A = B + 1.

Substituting this into the third equation (A + C = 4), we get (B + 1) + C = 4, which simplifies to B + C = 3.

From the second equation (B - C = 1), we can substitute B + C = 3 into it, which gives us 3 - C = 1, simplifying to C = 2.

Substituting C = 2 into B + C = 3, we find B + 2 = 3, which gives us B = 1.

Finally, using A = B + 1, we get A = 1 + 1, which is A = 2.

Step 5: Writing the expression in partial fraction form:
Now that we have the values of A, B, and C, we can write the expression in partial fraction form:

(x^2 + x + 4)/(1 - x)(x^2 + 1) = 2/(1 - x) + (x + 2)/(x^2 + 1)

Therefore, the given expression can be expressed as the sum of two partial fractions: 2/(1 - x) + (x + 2)/(x^2 + 1).