Natural increase can be best defined as

a. population growth that occurs due to people's desire to migrate to more desirable locations.
b. population growth that occurs due to an increase in the birthrate.***
c. population growth that occurs due to advances in the medical field, which will diminish fatal illnesses.
d. population growth that occurs due to favorable climatic and weather patterns in a region.

The answer is b. You are correct.

b. population growth that occurs due to an increase in the birthrate.

To determine the best definition of natural increase, let's examine the options provided:

a. Population growth that occurs due to people's desire to migrate to more desirable locations: This choice describes population growth driven by migration, rather than birthrate. While migration can contribute to population growth, natural increase specifically refers to growth resulting from births.

b. Population growth that occurs due to an increase in the birthrate: This choice accurately describes natural increase. When the number of births exceeds the number of deaths in a population, it leads to a natural increase in population size.

c. Population growth that occurs due to advances in the medical field, which will diminish fatal illnesses: This choice refers to population growth driven by improvements in healthcare that decrease mortality rates, rather than birthrate. Although advancements in the medical field can lead to higher population sizes, they don't directly define natural increase.

d. Population growth that occurs due to favorable climatic and weather patterns in a region: This choice suggests population growth resulting from climatic or weather advantages, rather than birthrate. While favorable conditions can attract people to a region, natural increase focuses on births rather than environmental factors.

Therefore, option b, "population growth that occurs due to an increase in the birthrate," is the most accurate definition of natural increase.