What event was responsible for the first population explosion?

a. the Industrial Revolution***
b. the invention of fire
c. the Agricultural Revolution
d. the development of cities

The correct answer is c. the Agricultural Revolution.

To determine this, you need to understand what the Agricultural Revolution was and how it contributed to a population explosion. The Agricultural Revolution refers to the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural societies, which took place around 10,000 years ago.

Before the Agricultural Revolution, humans relied on hunting and gathering for sustenance. However, with the discovery and cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals, people were able to settle in one place and practice agriculture. This shift allowed for a more stable and reliable food supply, leading to increased population growth.

The availability of food surplus resulted in more individuals being able to survive and reproduce. It enabled the formation of permanent settlements and facilitated specialization of labor, as not everyone had to focus solely on food acquisition. Moreover, agriculture provided a surplus of food that could support non-food-producing individuals, such as artisans, warriors, priests, and rulers. This allowed for the development of complex societies and the rise of civilizations.

On the other hand, options a, b, and d are incorrect:

a. The Industrial Revolution, which occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries, had significant impacts on society, including technological advancements and economic growth. However, the first population explosion occurred long before this revolution.

b. The invention of fire, while culturally significant and enabling human survival in various ways, did not directly lead to a population explosion of the magnitude associated with the Agricultural Revolution.

d. The development of cities, although important in the growth and concentration of populations, came after the Agricultural Revolution. It was one of the consequences of increasing food production and surplus resulting from agriculture.

Therefore, the correct option is c. the Agricultural Revolution.

How do you define "population explosion?"