The feeling that things weren't as good as they seemed is described best by which image in Borders

To find the answer to this question, we need to refer to the book "Borders." Since I cannot directly access the content of the book or search for specific images, I suggest following these steps to determine the best image that describes the feeling:

1. Obtain a copy of the book "Borders" by Thomas King.
- You can check local bookstores, libraries, or purchase the book online.
- Make sure you have a physical copy or an electronic version that allows access to the images.

2. Open the book and navigate to the section or chapter that contains the images.
- Look for any indication within the book's table of contents or chapter titles that suggests the inclusion of images.
- If there is an image index or specific page range mentioned, note it down for easy reference.

3. Explore the images in the designated section or chapter.
- Pay close attention to the visual depictions and how they relate to the feelings or emotions described in the text.
- Take your time to analyze the artwork, symbols, or any visual elements that may evoke a sense of things not being as good as they seemed.

4. Look for clues within the text or context surrounding the images.
- Sometimes, the accompanying text or surrounding narrative can provide insights or direct references to the feeling being described.

5. Identify the image that best captures the feeling.
- Keeping in mind the feeling of things not being as good as they seemed, select the image that aligns most closely with this description.
- Consider imagery, symbolism, and the overall mood or atmosphere created by the artwork.

By following these steps and taking your time to analyze the images in "Borders" in relation to the described feeling, you should be able to determine the best image that captures the sentiment expressed.

In the novel "Borders" by Thomas King, the feeling that things weren't as good as they seemed is described best by the image of the "swimming pool." The swimming pool symbolizes the allure and illusion of a perfect and ideal lifestyle. However, upon closer inspection, it is revealed that the pool is full of dirty water, broken tiles, and debris. This image represents the contrast between appearances and reality, as it conveys the sense that things may not be as desirable or promising as they initially appear.

Who is the author?

Are these your choices?
A. " if she were trying to see through a bad storm or riding high on black ice." ***
B. "...if she wasn't spreading jelly on the truth..."
C. "coyote went fishing, one day. That's how it all started."
D. "The guard who came out to our car was all smile."

What is your answer?