a 12 foot basketball hoop has a shadow 9.6ft long.How long is the shadow of a 6ft adult standing next to the basketball hoop?

6 ft (9.6/12) = 4.8 ft

Woahhhhhh i forgot about this LOL i graduated have fun with school kiddos

im THAT desprate ;-;

holy shoot 5 years ago????!?!?!??!

lol same >w<

bros MAD!

Thanks kiddo

you know we wont have fun lol @e

How do you know that's the real e. He can't even spell right. And why would anyone come back to this crappy website after 6 years?

To determine the length of the shadow of a 6-foot adult standing next to the basketball hoop, you can use the concept of similar triangles.

First, let's set up a proportion using the lengths of the basketball hoop and its shadow:

Length of basketball hoop / Length of its shadow = Length of the adult / Length of the adult's shadow

Since we know the length of the basketball hoop (12 feet) and its shadow (9.6 feet), we can substitute these values into the proportion:

12 feet / 9.6 feet = 6 feet / Length of the adult's shadow

To find the length of the adult's shadow, we can rearrange the proportion and solve for it:

Length of the adult's shadow = 9.6 feet * (6 feet / 12 feet)
= 4.8 feet

Therefore, the shadow of a 6-foot adult standing next to the basketball hoop would be 4.8 feet long.