The goal of the Anschluss was to

a) punish Austria for its part in world war I
b)unify German peoples
c)isolate Italy
d)give Germans lebensraum in lands of inferior Slavs
my answer is b ,but i am not sure :0

B is correct.

Thank youuu:)

You are welcome.


To determine the correct answer to this question, we can break it down and analyze the options provided.

a) Punish Austria for its part in World War I: While Austria was indeed involved in World War I, the goal of the Anschluss was not to punish Austria for its role in the war.

b) Unify German peoples: This answer seems plausible. The Anschluss refers to the annexation or union of Austria with Nazi Germany, aiming to unite all German-speaking people under one nation.

c) Isolate Italy: The Anschluss was primarily focused on Austria and Germany, and there is no evidence suggesting that its objective was to isolate Italy.

d) Give Germans lebensraum in lands of inferior Slavs: The idea of lebensraum, or living space, was promoted by Adolf Hitler's ideology, but it pertained more to the expansion into Eastern Europe, particularly at the expense of Slavic peoples. While the Anschluss was indeed a step towards that expansionist policy, its immediate goal was not specifically to provide living space for Germans.

Considering these options, b) Unify German peoples appears to be the most accurate answer. The Anschluss was driven by the desire to unite all German-speaking people under the Third Reich. It allowed Germany to extend its influence and acquire more resources, manpower, and territory.