order least to greatest 1/4,15%,0.08,93%

thank you

Change the fraction and the decimal to equivalent percents.

Take what Mrs. Sue said:

1/4 as a percent is 25%
0.08 as a percent is 8%

so now it's


To order the numbers from least to greatest - 1/4, 15%, 0.08, 93%, we need to first convert the percentages to fractions, then compare the fractions and the decimal.

Step 1: Convert the percentages to fractions:
15% can be written as 15/100 = 3/20
93% can be written as 93/100

Now we have the following numbers: 1/4, 3/20, 0.08, 93/100

Step 2: Compare the fractions and the decimal:
To compare the fractions, we need to find a common denominator.

The common denominator for 4 and 20 is 20.
1/4 = 5/20
3/20 (already in the desired form)
93/100 = 93/100

Now we have the following numbers: 5/20, 3/20, 0.08, 93/100

Step 3: Compare the numbers:
Now that all the numbers are in the same form, we can compare them.

The order from least to greatest is as follows:
0.08, 3/20, 5/20, 93/100

So, the numbers in order from least to greatest are 0.08, 3/20, 5/20, 93/100.