a student worked w hours on tuesday x hours on wednesday y hours on thursday and z hours on friday which algebraic expression represent the average arithmetic mean number of hours per day the student worked for the four days for any valuesof w,x,y,and z

(w + x + y + z)/4 = ?

To find the average arithmetic mean number of hours per day the student worked for the four days, you'll need to divide the total number of hours worked by the number of days.

1. Find the total number of hours worked by adding up the hours on each day:
Total hours worked = w + x + y + z

2. Since the student worked for four days, divide the total number of hours by 4 to get the average:
Average hours per day = (w + x + y + z) / 4

Therefore, the algebraic expression that represents the average arithmetic mean number of hours per day the student worked for the four days, for any values of w, x, y, and z, is:
(w + x + y + z) / 4