At 3h00 a clock strikes the bell 3 times. The time between first and last strike is 30 seconds. How long does it take to strike the bell at 12h00?

30 seconds

From the timing at 3:00, we see that the intervals are 15 seconds long.

12:00 is 12 strikes, but only 11 intervals.

165 seconds(11*15)

To determine the time it takes to strike the bell at 12:00, we'll need to use a concept called proportionality.

In this case, we are given that at 3:00, the bell strikes 3 times with a time interval of 30 seconds between the first and last strike. We can use this information to find the time it takes for the bell to strike at 12:00.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. We know that there are 12 hours on a clock, and each hour has a different number of strikes. For example, at 1:00, the bell strikes only once, at 2:00 it strikes twice, and so on.

2. The time between each strike is constant throughout the clock, so we can assume that the time interval between strikes remains the same regardless of the hour.

3. From the given information, we know that at 3:00, the bell strikes 3 times with a time interval of 30 seconds between the first and last strike. This means that the time interval between each strike is 30 seconds / (3 strikes - 1) = 15 seconds.

4. Next, we can calculate the number of strikes at 12:00 by comparing it to the number of strikes at 3:00. Since the time interval between each strike is the same, and there are 12 hours between 3:00 and 12:00, we can infer that the bell will strike 12 times at 12:00.

5. Finally, we can calculate the total time it takes to strike the bell at 12:00. Since there are 12 strikes, and the time interval between each strike is 15 seconds, we can multiply 12 strikes by 15 seconds to get the total time. Therefore, it would take 12 strikes x 15 seconds = 180 seconds, or 3 minutes, to strike the bell at 12:00.

In summary, it would take 3 minutes to strike the bell at 12:00.