The layer of gold coating on a ring should be 0.03 millimeters thick when the ring is completed. A coating of 0.021 millimeters has already been applied. How many more millimeters of gold coating must be added to finish the ring?

A. 0.18 millimeters
B. 0.09 millimeters
C. 0.009 millimeters
D. 0.018 millimeters

I believe it is either C or B. But strongly leading towards B
If I'm wrong please elaborate how to correct my problem

B is not correct.


So C?

Why do you think it's c? Did you do the subtraction?


yes i got 0.009?

Yes. C is the answer.


To find out how many more millimeters of gold coating must be added to finish the ring, we need to subtract the thickness of the coating that has already been applied from the desired thickness.

The desired thickness of the gold coating is 0.03 millimeters, and 0.021 millimeters of coating has already been applied.

To calculate how much more coating is needed, we subtract the thickness of the applied coating from the desired thickness:

0.03 millimeters - 0.021 millimeters = 0.009 millimeters

So, the correct answer is C. 0.009 millimeters.