1.2 kilos of apples cost $3

How much do 2.5 kilos of apples cost ?

Use a proportion.

1.2/3 = 2.5/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find out how much 2.5 kilos of apples cost, we can use the given information.

We know that 1.2 kilos of apples cost $3. To calculate the cost per kilo, we can divide the total cost by the weight:

Cost per kilo = Total cost / Total weight

In this case, the total cost is $3 and the total weight is 1.2 kilos. So, the cost per kilo of apples is:

Cost per kilo = $3 / 1.2 kilos = $2.50 per kilo

Now that we know the cost per kilo, we can multiply it by the weight of 2.5 kilos to find the total cost:

Total cost = Cost per kilo * Total weight

Total cost = $2.50 per kilo * 2.5 kilos = $6.25

Therefore, 2.5 kilos of apples would cost $6.25.