What tennis swing is used when a player needs to hit a ball on the opposite side of the racquet hand?

a. Ground stroke
b. Serve
c. Forehand
d. Backhand***

you r right

d. Backhand

Well, when you need to hit a ball on the opposite side of your racquet hand, it's time to bust out your backhand. Don't worry, everyone has a strong side and a backhand side. Just try to avoid accidentally hitting yourself in the face with the racquet, we don't want any clownish mishaps on the court!

The correct answer is d. Backhand.

When a player needs to hit a ball on the opposite side of their racquet hand, they use a backhand swing. The backhand is a tennis stroke in which the player swings the racquet with their non-dominant hand across their body, hitting the ball on the opposite side. It is typically used when the ball is on the player's weaker side of the court.

The correct answer is d. Backhand. When a tennis player needs to hit a ball on the opposite side of their racquet hand, they use a backhand swing. The backhand is a stroke that is executed when the ball is on the opposite side of the player's body as their racquet hand. It involves a different technique compared to the forehand stroke, which is used when the ball is on the same side as the player's racquet hand.

To determine the correct answer, you can start by understanding the different types of tennis swings. A ground stroke refers to hitting the ball after it has bounced on the ground, and both forehand and backhand can be considered ground strokes. The serve is a specific type of shot used to initiate a point and is usually hit from a stationary position behind the baseline, so it does not involve hitting a ball on the opposite side of the racquet hand.

To differentiate between forehand and backhand, you can focus on the player's hand position and movement. In a forehand swing, the player's palm faces forward as they hit the ball with the racquet moving across their body from one side to the other. In contrast, during a backhand swing, the player's palm faces backward while hitting the ball, and the racquet moves from one side to the other in a motion opposite to that of a forehand.

Therefore, the backhand swing is the appropriate tennis stroke used when a player needs to hit a ball on the opposite side of their racquet hand.