1) Which type of fat is not naturally found in foods and should be very little in your diet?

A. Monounsaturated fat
B. Saturated fat
C. trans fat***
D. Unsaturated fat***
( I can choose between D and C)

2)Trans fat can be best limited in the diet by_______

A. drinking low-fat milk
B. eating chicken instead of beef
C. eliminating milk
D. limiting baked goods***

3)Why is fiber necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system?

A. It creates cell membranes, never tissue, and substances that aid in the digestion of fat
B. It helps proper functioning of the digestive system and prevents constipation***
C. It is important for cardiovascular health and can help fight heart disease
D. It supplies energy for your body's function.( im not sure of this question)

4) A daily value of 10% means that______

A. 10% of your calories should come from particular nutrient
B. a food consists of 10% of a particular nutrient***
C. a food package can bear the nutrient claim "light"
D. one serving provides 10% of the daily amount for a particular nutrient

What don't you understand about Damon's answer?

"trans fats are cheap because easily manufactured but bad "

trans fats are cheap because easily manufactured but bad

2 agree

3 agree

4 it is the percentage of what you need of that nutrient that day (somebody says)D

so whats the first one?

I told you what I thought.

ik but u didn't say A, B, C or D

what I don't understand is which letter?!

THX! and I hope I didn't sound stupid

1.d,2.b,3.a ,4.d

1) The correct answer is C. trans fat. To determine which type of fat is not naturally found in foods and should be limited in your diet, you can use a combination of knowledge and research.

Trans fat is a type of fat that is created through a process called hydrogenation, which turns liquid oils into solid fats. This process is commonly used in processed foods to improve taste, texture, and shelf life. Since trans fat is not naturally found in foods, it should be limited in your diet.

Saturated fat, on the other hand, is found naturally in certain foods such as meat, dairy products, and tropical oils. Monounsaturated and unsaturated fats are also naturally occurring and are considered healthier options than trans and saturated fats.

2) The best way to limit trans fat in your diet is D. limiting baked goods. Trans fat is commonly found in many commercially baked goods such as cookies, cakes, pastries, and fried foods. To reduce your intake of trans fats, it is advisable to limit your consumption of these types of foods.

Option A, drinking low-fat milk, does not directly address the reduction of trans fat. Option B, eating chicken instead of beef, focuses on choosing a lean protein source but does not specifically address trans fat. Option C, eliminating milk, is not necessary for limiting trans fat since trans fat is not naturally present in milk.

3) The correct answer is B. It helps proper functioning of the digestive system and prevents constipation. Fiber is necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system because it adds bulk to the stool and helps move it through the digestive tract. This prevents constipation and promotes regular bowel movements. Fiber also helps regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels, and maintain a healthy weight.

Options A, C, and D are incorrect. While fiber is important for overall health, option A confuses fiber with substances that aid in fat digestion and cell membrane creation. Option C mentions the benefits of fiber for cardiovascular health, which is true, but not the primary reason why it is necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system. Option D is incorrect because fiber does not supply energy for the body's functions as it is not digested or absorbed by the body.

4) The correct answer is B. a food consists of 10% of a particular nutrient. The daily value (DV) is a reference value established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that indicates the amount of a nutrient in a serving of food relative to the recommended daily intake. A daily value of 10% means that one serving of the food provides 10% of the recommended daily amount of a particular nutrient.

Option A is incorrect because the daily value represents the percentage of a nutrient's recommended daily intake, not the calories. Option C is incorrect because the term "light" on a food package refers to its reduced fat, sodium, or calorie content, not the daily value. Option D is incorrect because it describes the nutritional content of a serving, not the daily value.