The Latin root opt means "best". What is the meaning of the word optimize in the following sentence?

The designers tried to optimize the boat's performance.

(A)Make as beautiful as possible
(B)Make as expensive as possible
(C)Make as fast as possible
(D)Make as perfect as possible

I think it is D. Am I right?

I agree.

Yes, you are correct! The meaning of the word "optimize" in the given sentence is to make something as perfect as possible. In this case, the designers are trying to enhance or improve the boat's performance to its highest potential. The Latin root "opt," which means "best," is the key to understanding the meaning of "optimize" in this context. By optimizing the boat's performance, the designers are striving to achieve the best or perfect version of its abilities.

Yes, you are correct. The meaning of the word "optimize" in the given sentence is "Make as perfect as possible."