what are the questions that people are asking about the red scare?

What period of history are you talking about? The term "red scare" applies mainly to the cold war era, and ended about 1990. It reached its height between the Korean and Vietnam wars. Both wars were fought to resist the spread of Communism.

To find out what questions people are asking about the Red Scare, you can utilize various online platforms and search engines. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by using search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
2. Enter specific keywords related to the Red Scare, such as "Red Scare questions," "Common questions about the Red Scare," or "Frequently asked questions about the Red Scare."
3. Look for websites, forums, or discussion boards that focus on the topic of the Red Scare.
4. Explore the search results and click on any relevant links that provide answers or discussions about the Red Scare.
5. Read through the questions and answers provided by individuals in these sources to understand the common queries related to the topic.

By following these steps, you should be able to discover the questions people are asking about the Red Scare and gain an understanding of the historical period under discussion.