Which of the following is something you should do after severe weather occurs?

clean up flood waters
keep away from windows
create a family safety plan
invite friends over to see the damages

is it c

Shouldn't that be done BEFORE severe weather occurs?

I think "c" is the best answer :)

The correct option is "keep away from windows." After severe weather occurs, it is important to prioritize safety. Here's how you can arrive at the correct answer:

- Read each option carefully: The options given are "clean up flood waters," "keep away from windows," "create a family safety plan," and "invite friends over to see the damages."
- Evaluate each option: Out of the given options, the one that aligns with safety precautions after severe weather is "keep away from windows."
- Understand the reasoning behind the correct answer: After severe weather, there may be damaged structures and debris that could pose a risk of injury. Windows, in particular, may be shattered or damaged, so it is advisable to stay away from them to avoid potential harm.
- Elimination process: By eliminating options that are unrelated to safety after severe weather, such as "clean up flood waters" and "invite friends over to see the damages," you can narrow down the choices to "keep away from windows" and "create a family safety plan."
- Compare the remaining options: To prioritize immediate safety, "keep away from windows" is a more immediate and direct action to take after severe weather, as opposed to creating a family safety plan, which may be done in preparation for such events but not necessarily immediately after.
- Finalizing the answer: Based on the above factors, the correct option is "keep away from windows."