Discuss the main social and cultural achievements of the Maya.

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To discuss the main social and cultural achievements of the Maya, one can explore various aspects of their civilization, including their advancements in architecture, agriculture, science, art, writing, and mathematics.

One great resource to find information on this topic is the Ancient History Encyclopedia (ancient.eu) website. This website offers comprehensive articles on various ancient civilizations, including the Maya. You can search for "Maya civilization" on the website and navigate through the articles to find detailed information on their achievements.

When researching, look for information on the following achievements of the Maya:

1. Architecture: The Maya built impressive cities and structures, such as pyramids, palaces, and temples. These structures were often adorned with intricate carvings and murals.

2. Agriculture: The Maya developed advanced farming techniques, including the use of terracing, irrigation, and crop rotation. They cultivated crops like corn, beans, and squash, which formed the basis of their diet.

3. Science: The Maya were skilled astronomers, observing celestial bodies and creating accurate calendars. They also had a deep understanding of mathematics, using a base-20 numerical system and developing the concept of zero.

4. Art: Maya art flourished in the form of painted pottery, stone carvings, jade sculptures, and mural paintings. Their artwork often depicted scenes from daily life, mythology, and religious rituals.

5. Writing: The Maya developed one of the few independently invented writing systems in the world. They used hieroglyphic symbols to record historical events, rituals, and important information.

Ensure that you explore different sources to get a well-rounded understanding of the Maya civilization and their achievements.