Choose the meaning that best matches the word in italics.

Before the debate began, the speaker's heart *fluttered* with nervous anticipation. A. Flapped quickly B. Beat rapidly C. Waved steadily D. Moved nervously.

And you think ... ?

B. Beat rapidly?

I agree.

It was right! Thanks :)

To determine the meaning of the word "fluttered" in this sentence, we can use context clues and our knowledge of common usage of the word. In this case, the sentence provides clues such as "nervous anticipation" and "speaker's heart."

To find the best-meaning match, we can eliminate options C and D since they are not related to the beating or movement of the heart. Between options A and B, we can use our common understanding that when someone is nervous or anxious, their heart tends to beat rapidly. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Beat rapidly.