Which of the fallowing is not true about Aborigine culture?

a. It is the oldest surviving culture on Earth***
b. Tradition Aborigine societies found agricultural settlements
c. Aborigine do not believe that land belongs to humans
d. Aborigine groups are spread across the continent of Australia

Which of the following is not true about Aborigine culture? (1 point)

It is the oldest surviving culture on Earth. B. Traditional Aborigine societies ****
formed agricultural settlements.
Aborigines do not believe that land belongs to humans.
Aborigine groups are spread across the continent of Australia.
2. Aborigines believe that Dream Time is the (1 point)
beginning of land conflicts with the Europeans.
****the age of creation.
the end of all human existence.
the beginning of the afterlife.
3. According to Aborigine spiritual beliefs, the Earth is (1 point)
a place of unending suffering and pain.
a source of wealth to conquer in the name of one's ancestors.
****an ancient gift of the gods.
a place where humans were banished from the gods.
4. All of the following statements are true about Aborigine ceremonies except (1 point)
ceremonies protect Aborigine secrets.
ceremonies are segregated according to gender.
ceremonies pay homage to Aborigine heritage.
****ceremonies do not have religious or spiritual meanings.
5. The native inhabitants of New Zealand are the (1 point)
British Isles settlers
6. Church architecture in Australia shows influence of (1 point)
Aborigine culture.
East Asian culture.
*****central European culture.
Polynesian culture.
7. Historians believe that the Aborigines probably migrated to Australia from (1 point)
New Zealand.
Eastern Africa.
*****New Guinea.
8. Polynesian culture shares which of the following characteristics with Aborigine culture: (1 point)
both created elaborate wood carvings to represent gods and kings.
both formed agricultural settlements.
both based their economies on navigating the seas and fishing.
*****both cultures share a common ancestry.
9. New Zealand and Tasmania were named by a (1 point)
German explorer.
British explorer.
****Dutch explorer.
French explorer.
10. In the late 18th to mid–19th centuries, Europeans sought economic gain from the Pacific from the trade of (1 point)
*****whales and seals.

The answer is b

To determine which of the statements is not true about Aborigine culture, let's examine each option individually:

a. It is the oldest surviving culture on Earth
To verify this statement, we need to research and find the origins of different cultures around the world. By comparing the timeline of Aborigine culture to other ancient cultures, we can determine if it is indeed the oldest surviving culture. Some resources you can consult include historical records, archaeological findings, and scholarly articles on the subject.

b. Traditional Aborigine societies found agricultural settlements
To examine this statement, we need to look into the history and practices of traditional Aborigine societies. Research their lifestyle, hunting and gathering methods, and any evidence of agricultural settlements. Consulting anthropological studies, historical documents, or speaking to indigenous communities could provide valuable insights.

c. Aborigine do not believe that land belongs to humans
This statement relates to the Aboriginal concept of land ownership. To confirm or refute it, we would need to explore their cultural beliefs, spirituality, and traditional practices regarding land ownership. Indigenous oral traditions, cultural studies, and anthropological research can help us understand their perspective on the relationship between humans and land.

d. Aborigine groups are spread across the continent of Australia
To verify this statement, we can consult various sources such as geographical maps, historical records, and studies on Australian demographics. By reviewing the distribution of different Aborigine groups throughout Australia, we can determine if they are indeed spread across the continent.

By examining and conducting research on each statement, we can identify which one is not true about Aborigine culture. Remember to critically analyze multiple sources and consult credible information to ensure an accurate understanding of the subject matter.

That seems to be debatable. Go with your text materials.