1.)After an egg is fertilized, it begins to

A.)Travel toward the ovary
B.)Produce estrogen
C.)Break down

Is it D?

yes, divide is correct

we have the name!!!!!

Yes, D is correct.

Yes, the correct answer is D) Divide. After an egg is fertilized by a sperm, it undergoes a process called fertilization. During fertilization, the genetic material from the sperm combines with the genetic material from the egg to form a single cell called a zygote. This zygote then begins to divide through a process known as cell division.

To arrive at this answer, you can understand the process of fertilization and the subsequent development of an embryo. Fertilization occurs when a sperm penetrates the egg, leading to the formation of a zygote. Once fertilized, the zygote starts to divide rapidly through a process called cleavage. These repeated divisions give rise to a mass of cells, which eventually develops into an embryo. Therefore, it can be concluded that after fertilization, the egg begins to divide.