What is the theme in the poem Lineage by Mararet Walker and The Courage That My Mother Had by Edna st. Vincent Millay? I've trying everything from friends to textbook to google but nothing has helped me. Thank you!

The theme of a poem is the underlying message or central idea that the poet conveys. Analyzing the theme requires careful reading and interpretation of the text. While I cannot provide a definitive answer without reading the poems thoroughly, I can guide you through a step-by-step analysis of the poems to identify possible themes.

1. Start by reading the poem "Lineage" by Margaret Walker. Note any recurring images, symbols, or words, as these can provide clues to the theme. Consider the emotional tone of the poem as well.

2. Identify the main ideas or topics explored in "Lineage." Look for any patterns or connections between these ideas. Consider the historical, cultural, or personal context of the poem.

3. Repeat this process with the poem "The Courage That My Mother Had" by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Again, take note of recurring imagery, symbols, or words. Pay attention to the emotional tone and any patterns or connections in the poem.

4. Compare the themes that emerge from your analysis of both poems. Are there any similarities or overlapping ideas? How do the poets explore these themes differently?

5. Consider how the themes relate to the larger context of the poets' works or the time periods in which they were written. This can provide further insight into the possible meanings and messages in the poems.

Remember, poetry interpretation is subjective, and different readers may have different interpretations. By closely analyzing the poems using this step-by-step approach, you can develop a better understanding of the possible themes in "Lineage" by Margaret Walker and "The Courage That My Mother Had" by Edna St. Vincent Millay.

I'd be happy to help you find the themes in the poems "Lineage" by Margaret Walker and "The Courage That My Mother Had" by Edna St. Vincent Millay.

To analyze the theme of a poem, it's important to read the poem carefully and pay attention to the overall message or subject matter. Look for recurring ideas, images, or emotions expressed by the poet.

Here's how you can approach finding the themes in these poems:

1. Read the poems: Start by reading each poem multiple times to get a good grasp of their content and structure. Pay attention to any specific imagery, symbols, or metaphors used by the poets.

2. Identify key elements: Look for recurring ideas, emotions, or messages in the poems. Note down any lines or phrases that stand out to you as particularly significant or meaningful.

3. Consider the poets' backgrounds: Understanding the context in which a poem was written can often provide insights into its themes. Research the poets, Margaret Walker and Edna St. Vincent Millay, to see if there are any personal experiences or historical events that might have influenced their writing.

4. Analyze literary devices: Pay attention to the specific literary devices used by the poets, such as alliteration, personification, or similes. These devices can often offer clues to the underlying themes.

5. Reflect on emotions and messages: Consider your own emotional response to the poems. What emotions do they evoke in you? Think about the overall message or lesson that the poems convey.

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I don't have access to the specific poems "Lineage" by Margaret Walker or "The Courage That My Mother Had" by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Consequently, I cannot provide you with a detailed analysis of their themes. However, by following the steps outlined above and conducting further research, you should be able to identify the themes in these poems on your own.

It looks like the only thing left for you is to reread these short poems and use your own brain to find an answer.

