a boy spent half of his money on sweet and one quarter on kolanut,if he has 6 naira left,how much does he have initially

When the Brain Quest Workbook arrived, I was iimtdmaeely impressed by it's sheer size. This book is quite comprehensive, covering every topic your Kindergartener is likely to learn during the entire school year. The topics are well organized (utilizing a color-coded page-edge system to make it easy to flip to the subject you want to work on) and approached from more than one angle, allowing you to find the method that works best for your little learner. None of the activities are particularly challenging, per se, so I wouldn't recommend this be your only learning tool (i.e.-homeschooling curriculum), but as a reinforcement of the things they're already learning it's a great resource. My son loves to work on the pages, and I have a few tucked in my purse (they're conveniently perforated along the spine for easy removal) for restaurants and doctors office waiting rooms.


Let's assume the initial amount of money the boy had is "x" naira.

According to the given information, the boy spent half of his money on sweets. This means he spent (1/2)x naira on sweets.

He also spent one quarter of his money on kolanut, which is (1/4)x naira on kolanut.

So, the total amount of money spent is (1/2)x + (1/4)x = (3/4)x.

Given that the boy has 6 naira left, we can set up the equation:

x - (3/4)x = 6

Simplifying the equation:

(1/4)x = 6

Multiply both sides by 4 to get:

x = 24

Therefore, the boy initially had 24 naira.

To find out how much money the boy initially had, we can work backwards.

Let's assume the boy initially had "x" naira.

He spent half of his money on sweets, so he had x/2 naira remaining.
He also spent one quarter of his money on kolanut, so he had (x/2) - (x/4) = (2x - x)/4 = x/4 naira remaining.

Given that he has 6 naira left, we can set up the following equation:
(x/4) = 6

To solve for "x", we can multiply both sides of the equation by 4:
(x/4) * 4 = 6 * 4
x = 24

Therefore, the boy initially had 24 naira.