Hi guys, can someone help me with three questions?

1. Which word best completes the sentence?

I am going to ___ my chemistry teacher to learn more about careers in science.

a. investigate
b. discover
c. interview
d. evaluate

2. Which of the following sentences contains an action verb?

a. Brad looks upset today.
b. Brad drove to the zoo with us.
c. The animals seem very active today.
d. Our friend appears happy now.

3. Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?

a. Mateo became upset with me today.
b. I took his last cupcake without permission.
c. He wanted to eat it this afternoon.
d. I bought him a new one as a surprise.


What are your answers? We'll be glad to check them for you, but we won't do your homework for you.

1. Look up all words: http://www.onelook.com

2. In which sentence is the subject DOING something active?

3. In which sentence is the subject NOT DOING something?

is it terressa wore her favorite shoes tody (a)

Of course, I can help you with your questions. Here are the answers along with explanations:

1. The word that best completes the sentence is "c. interview." To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of each option and choose the one that fits the context of the sentence. In this case, the sentence is about learning more about careers in science from the chemistry teacher. While "investigate," "discover," and "evaluate" are all related to gaining knowledge, "interview" specifically implies having a conversation or discussion with someone to obtain information. Therefore, the word "interview" is the most appropriate choice in this sentence.

2. The sentence that contains an action verb is "b. Brad drove to the zoo with us." An action verb is a word that describes an action, something that someone does. In this case, "drove" is the action verb because it represents the action of Brad driving to the zoo.

3. The sentence that contains a linking verb is "a. Mateo became upset with me today." A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject to a word or phrase that describes or identifies it. In this sentence, "became" is the linking verb because it connects the subject "Mateo" to the state of being "upset."

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.