I need help finding some resources and references for my essay. I tried google and all I got was free essay answers. Here is the assignment:

o Explain how formal organizations have evolved over the past century. What
differences were there in organizations a century ago, compared to today’s
organizations? What are the current trends in formal organizations?
o Review the characteristics in the Summing Up table on p. 121 in the text, and
describe how each of the characteristics for formal organizations will need to
evolve or change in Micah’s organization to become more open and flexible. For
example, how will activities or relationships need to change?
o Locate 3 to 5 articles or case studies in the Online Library that discuss future
trends in formal organizations and predict whether these trends are likely to take
place in the future. Explain your reasoning for each of the predictions.
o Make an overall prediction based on your research results: how are formal
organizations, such as Micah’s, likely to evolve in the future?

Your best resources are your assigned text materials, the Summing Up table, and the Online Library.

Yea, I tried that. Thanks though.

Explain how formal organizations have evolved over the past century. What differences were there in organizations a century ago, compared to today’s organizations? What are the current trends in formal organizations?

To find resources and references for your essay, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with your university or school library's online database. They usually provide access to a wide range of academic journals, articles, and case studies on various subjects, including formal organizations.

2. Use keywords related to your essay topic, such as "evolution of formal organizations," "current trends in formal organizations," and "future trends in formal organizations" to search for relevant articles and case studies. You can also include terms like "management," "organizational behavior," or "business studies" to refine your search.

3. Read the abstracts or summaries of the articles to determine if they cover the information you need. Pay attention to the publication date and choose recent sources for up-to-date information.

4. Access the full text of the articles that seem suitable and review their content to get a deeper understanding of the evolution and trends in formal organizations. Look for key findings, arguments, and evidence that relate to your essay prompt.

5. Take notes and organize the information based on the different sections of your essay outline, ensuring that the resources support your arguments and provide adequate evidence.

Remember to properly cite your sources using the appropriate citation style required by your institution, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style.

As for specific resources or references for your essay prompt, I cannot access the Online Library that you mentioned in your assignment. However, by following the steps outlined above, you should be able to find relevant articles and case studies that discuss the evolution of formal organizations, current trends, and predictions for the future.