what is the unit rate for 357 miles on 10 gallons of gasoline


To find the unit rate, you need to divide the quantity of one item (in this case, the distance traveled) by the quantity of another item (in this case, the amount of gasoline used).

In this case, the distance traveled is 357 miles and the amount of gasoline used is 10 gallons.

To find the unit rate, divide the distance traveled (357 miles) by the amount of gasoline used (10 gallons):

Unit rate = Distance traveled / Amount of gasoline used
Unit rate = 357 miles / 10 gallons

Dividing 357 by 10 gives us a unit rate of 35.7 miles per gallon. This means that your vehicle is able to travel an average of 35.7 miles for every gallon of gasoline consumed.

Find the unit rate for both units:

Lizzy drove 357 miles on 10 gallons of gasoline.