Why did Asian and African nations gain independance after WW2?

Why is Japan an economic sucess (list reasons)?

Check this site for answers to your first question.

Japan is an economic success because of a well-educated workforce, enormous amounts of economic help after WW II, a tradition of hard work and loyalty to employers, democracy forced on it by the victorious Allies.

P.S. When I lived in Japan and went to Trade Shows, etc. the Japanese were so careful to study new things from every angle. When they got through it looked like they knew everything about that product. They were very careful and clever so I was never surprised when they came out with something as good as, if not better!

how did the conflicts between israel and the neighboring arav nations affect cold war competition in the middle east

To understand how the conflicts between Israel and the neighboring Arab nations affected the Cold War competition in the Middle East, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the Cold War context: Begin by understanding the broader geopolitical climate during the Cold War. This will help you grasp the global power dynamics and the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union for influence.

2. Study the establishment of Israel: Look into the historical background of the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. This event sparked tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors, primarily due to conflicting territorial claims and the displacement of Palestinian Arabs.

3. Examine the Arab-Israeli conflicts: Dive into the various conflicts that transpired between Israel and the Arab nations, such as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Suez Crisis of 1956, the Six-Day War of 1967, and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Analyze the causes, outcomes, and key players involved in these conflicts.

4. Evaluate Cold War involvement: Explore how the Cold War powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, influenced and supported different sides in the Arab-Israeli conflicts. Look for instances of military aid, diplomatic backing, or political alliances that occurred during this period.

5. Assess the impact on regional dynamics: Consider how the confrontations between Israel and its Arab neighbors affected the overall Cold War competition in the Middle East. Look into how these conflicts intensified tensions and rivalries between the United States and the Soviet Union, leading to proxy wars, arms races, and shifts in alliances in the region.

By conducting thorough research and analysis of these factors, you will be able to understand the impact of the conflicts between Israel and the neighboring Arab nations on the Cold War competition in the Middle East.