A truck uses 17 gallons of gasoline to travel 442 miles. Write this as a rate.

I don't know how to find the rate?

Hmm -- You have four choices. You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide.

Which procedure will give you the only reasonable answer?

I know the unit rate is 26 mpg. I answered that part already, but my teacher also has the word problem and says to write it as a rate and label it. That's the part I can't figure out?

To find the rate, we need to determine the quantity of one variable per unit of another variable. In this case, we want to find the rate of gasoline used per mile traveled.

The given information tells us that the truck uses 17 gallons of gasoline to travel 442 miles. To write this as a rate, we express the amount of gasoline used (17 gallons) per the distance traveled (442 miles).

So, the rate can be expressed as:

17 gallons / 442 miles

This means that the truck uses 17 gallons of gasoline for every 442 miles traveled.