I am writing a greek tragedy (play) about the godess athen (warroir godess, godess of owls) and artemis (godess of hunting, moon and light)

I need some ideas for a really cool play, somthing that with make a good conversation

You have a warrior who protects owls and a huntress who might just go on an owl hunt under the moon.... because the durn thing was keeping her awake.<G> There is a natural conflict there and a source of humor.

Excellent idea from GuruBlue.

And don't forget to spell Athena's name correctly!


woops didn't mean to spell her name like that

No worries! It happens sometimes. But it's important to be accurate with the names of the characters you're using in your play. So, let's talk about some cool ideas for your Greek tragedy featuring the goddesses Athena and Artemis.

1. The rivalry between Athena and Artemis:
You can create a compelling story centered around the rivalry between Athena, the goddess of warfare and wisdom, and Artemis, the goddess of hunting and the moon. Their conflicting domains can lead to power struggles and philosophical debates on the importance of different aspects of life.

2. The quest for the Sacred Owl:
In your play, you can have Athena assign a mortal hero the dangerous task of finding and protecting a magical owl that possesses immense power. Artemis, on the other hand, can send her own champion to hunt down the owl, not realizing its significance. This quest can be full of thrilling encounters and tests of loyalty.

3. The curse of the Moonlit Forest:
A neighboring kingdom is plagued by a curse that turns its inhabitants into owls under the light of the full moon. Athena and Artemis must put aside their differences and work together to break the curse. This can lead to an unexpected alliance, where they discover that by combining their strengths, they can overcome any obstacle.

4. The trial of wisdom and instinct:
Athena and Artemis can come across a mortal with exceptional knowledge and an intuitive connection with animals. They decide to test this mortal through a series of challenges that require a balance of wisdom and instinct. This storyline can explore the value of both Athena's wisdom and Artemis's primal instincts.

Remember, these are just ideas to get you started. You can tailor them to fit your vision and add your own unique twists to make the play even more engaging. Good luck with your theatrical masterpiece!