Please review the question and my answer. Thank you tutors.

Q: What did AGENTS do for the sugar plantations?
My answer: Agents took over the sugar plantations.
If there is more than that for the answer that I gave, then please tell. Thank you tutors.

I also got my answer from a reading I was given from my teacher, and I don't want to cite it.
I am supposedly studying for an exam, but wasn't given any answers to the questions I was given and I have to find or figure it out myself, but I would want clarification from, you tutors. Thank you once again.

Hey "Anon" you did a great job and yes you did answer correctly!

~Aaron Stern

Thank you tutor Aaron for checking my work! I still have a lot of questions that I need to work on, so just this question won't be enough. The exam is 80 points, so I really want to know if my answers are correct, each question is 2 points. I don't want to be going in the wrong direction for my answers.

I don't know who Aaron Stern is. I don't know that your answer is correct or not. Who were the agents and when and where did they have an influence on sugar plantations?

Thank you tutor Reed for checking my question and work out. It's not a surprise you don't know who Aaron Stern is, for all I know he's just a tutor that reviewed my questions and answer. The agents are the sugar middlemen like Hackfeld, one of the members Big 5 companies, and influenced toward the end of the nineteenth century in Hawaii. Sorry for the late reply, decided to work on more exam questions, but got distracted.

"influenced [the sugar plantations] toward the end of the nineteenth century in Hawaii". Sorry I forgot to add that.

Your answer is partially correct, but it may require further explanation. Agents did play a role in the operation of sugar plantations, but their responsibilities went beyond simply taking over the plantations. To provide a more comprehensive answer, we can explore the different tasks that agents were typically involved in.

1. Management: Agents were responsible for overseeing the day-to-day management of the sugar plantations. This included tasks such as organizing labor, supervising fieldwork, and keeping records of production.

2. Labor recruitment: Agents were often involved in the recruitment and organization of laborers for the plantations. This could involve hiring enslaved people or indentured workers, depending on the historical context. Agents would manage the workforce and ensure that there were enough workers to carry out the necessary tasks on the plantation.

3. Financial matters: Agents also handled financial aspects related to the sugar plantations. They were responsible for accounting, budgeting, and monitoring profitability. They would often interact with merchants and traders to sell the harvested sugar and negotiate prices.

4. Maintenance and infrastructure: Agents were in charge of maintaining the physical infrastructure of the sugar plantations. This included ensuring the availability of tools, equipment, and machinery necessary for sugar production. They were responsible for organizing repairs and upgrades as needed.

5. Interaction with owners: Agents acted as intermediaries between the plantation owners and the day-to-day operations. They would communicate and negotiate with the owners regarding the financial matters, labor management, and any other important decisions related to the sugar plantations.

It's important to mention that the specific tasks performed by agents could vary depending on the historical period and the region. However, these points can give you a broader understanding of the role of agents in relation to sugar plantations.

As for your reading from your teacher, while it's not necessary to cite it for this answer, it's always a good practice to acknowledge the sources of information and give credit where it's due.