How did the Revolutionary war affect the government and society of the United States?

What on earth does that question mean?

Without the Revolution we would not have a United States.

We would be part of the British Commonwealth.

We would probably have a more parliamentary form of government
with a prime minister. See Canada and other countries that report to Queen Elizabeth (in theory).

First of all, there was no United States before the Revolutionary War! The thirteen colonies were ruled by the British in London. A whole new government had to be established after the Revolution. If your text materials are unclear, you can start here:

Yes I was quite confused, my teacher had given us this project to do and these are some of the questions we had to answer. Thank you though, I am starting to understand it.

You will (or should) discover that the 13 colonies had no representation in the British parliament. The new government included (still does) a Congress with representation from all the people of the United States and each individual state. That is a profound change that influenced everything that happened from thence forward.

The Revolutionary War had profound effects on both the government and society of the United States. To understand these effects, we can delve into a few key areas:

1. Government:
- The Revolutionary War led to the establishment of a new government system in the United States. The war's end marked the separation of the American colonies from British rule, resulting in the birth of an independent nation.
- In 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, which served as the country's first constitution. This document created a weak central government, giving substantial powers to individual states. However, it soon became apparent that the Articles were ineffective in governing a growing nation.
- Consequently, the Revolutionary War prompted the need for a stronger central government, leading to the drafting and ratification of the United States Constitution in 1787. This formed the foundation for the modern American government, establishing a balance of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and defining the rights and responsibilities of both the federal and state governments.

2. Society:
- The Revolutionary War brought about significant social changes within American society. Here are some key examples:
- Independence and the ideas of liberty, individual rights, and equality became central tenets of American society, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
- The war allowed for the emergence of influential leaders like George Washington, who became the first President of the United States, and Alexander Hamilton, who played a significant role in shaping the country's financial system.
- The Revolutionary War also challenged existing social hierarchies and led to the questioning of traditional norms. Revolutionary ideals sparked discussions about the abolition of slavery and the rights of women, although progress on these fronts would take many more years.

In understanding the effects of the Revolutionary War on the government and society of the United States, it is essential to study the various documents, events, and debates that occurred during this transformative period of American history.