Need help with my final project.

Create and test a java program that will simulate customers waiting in line in a bank teller

Sure! I can help you with your final project. To create and test a Java program that simulates customers waiting in line at a bank teller, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the Customer class: Create a Customer class with properties like a customer ID, arrival time, and transaction time. You can include methods to get and set these properties.

2. Implement the Queue data structure: Since customers wait in a line, you can use a Queue data structure to represent the line. Java provides the LinkedList class, which can be used as a Queue.

3. Generate customers and add them to the queue: Simulate customer arrivals by randomly generating customer attributes (e.g., ID, arrival time, transaction time). Add each customer to the queue.

4. Implement the bank teller simulation: Create a Bank class that represents the bank teller. This class should have methods like serveNextCustomer() to simulate the teller serving the next customer in line, and updateCustomerWaitingTime() to update customer waiting time.

5. Simulate the bank process: Start processing customers one by one by calling serveNextCustomer() in a loop. During each iteration, check if there are any arriving customers and add them to the line. Keep track of statistics like the total number of customers, average waiting time, etc.

6. Test the program: To test the program, create a main method and initialize an instance of the Bank class. Generate a few customers and add them to the queue. Call the bank process simulation method and observe the results.

7. Refine and optimize: Analyze the performance and efficiency of your program. If necessary, optimize the program by using appropriate data structures or algorithms.

Remember to make use of Java concepts like classes, objects, loops, and conditional statements. Additionally, consider implementing error handling and edge case scenarios to ensure your program is robust.

Good luck with your final project, and let me know if you need any further assistance!