Identify the sentence that contains NO errors in punctuation or use of italics.

a. Who has my copy of "The Waste Land"?***
b. Vera said, "I left it in the classroom".
c. "Are you sure"? Byron asked.
d. "I am absolutely positive." Vera replied.

To identify the sentence that contains no errors in punctuation or use of italics, we need to review each option:

a. "Who has my copy of 'The Waste Land'?***"
In this sentence, there is an extra asterisk after the closing quotation mark. The correct version would be: "Who has my copy of 'The Waste Land'?"

b. Vera said, "I left it in the classroom."
This sentence is correctly punctuated, with quotation marks used to indicate direct speech.

c. "Are you sure"? Byron asked.
In this sentence, the closing quotation mark is placed incorrectly. It should come after the question mark. The correct version would be: "Are you sure?" Byron asked.

d. "I am absolutely positive." Vera replied.
This sentence is correctly punctuated, with quotation marks used to indicate direct speech.

Therefore, the sentence that contains no errors in punctuation or use of italics is option b: Vera said, "I left it in the classroom."
