the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge in Japan is about 1 4/9 as long as another bridge. The other bridge is about 9000 feet long. About how long is the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge?

1 4/9 = 13/9

9000 * 13/9 = 13,000

To find the length of the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge, we need to multiply the length of the other bridge by the given fraction, which is 1 4/9.

Step 1: Convert the mixed fraction 1 4/9 to an improper fraction:

1 4/9 = (1 * 9 + 4) / 9 = 13/9

Step 2: Multiply the length of the other bridge by the fraction:

Length of Akashi-Kaikyo bridge = (Length of the other bridge) * (Fraction)
= 9000 feet * (13/9)

To perform the calculation, we multiply the numerators (13 and 9000) and the denominators (9 and 1), as follows:

Length of Akashi-Kaikyo bridge = (13 * 9000) / (9 * 1)
= 117,000 / 9
= 13,000 feet.

Therefore, the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge in Japan is about 13,000 feet long.