Which parts of the brain begin to change first during development?

What function would be affected due to these changes?

What region of the brain changes last?

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The brain undergoes continuous development and changes throughout our lives, but certain parts of the brain tend to develop earlier than others.

During early brain development, the lower and more basic regions of the brain, such as the brainstem and spinal cord, begin to develop first. These regions are responsible for essential functions like regulating breathing, heartbeat, and basic reflexes.

As development progresses, the subcortical regions, including the thalamus and basal ganglia, start to develop. These regions are involved in functions like sensory processing, movement coordination, and reward-based learning.

Next, the limbic system, which includes structures like the hippocampus and amygdala, begins to develop. The limbic system plays a crucial role in emotion, memory formation, and our response to stress.

Finally, the last region to mature is the prefrontal cortex, located at the front of the brain. The prefrontal cortex is involved in higher cognitive functions, such as decision-making, impulse control, reasoning, and planning. It is responsible for our executive functions.

As these different parts of the brain develop at different rates, the functions associated with each region may be affected. For example, early brainstem development ensures vital physiological functions, while delays or abnormalities in prefrontal cortex development can impact cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, and behavioral control.

It's important to note that the development of the brain is a highly complex and individual process, and there can be significant variation in the timing and sequence of these changes among individuals.