What is the adjective in this sent. Heavy rains fell throughout the state.

What type of rains?

Remember > adjectives tell what kind of or how many or which one< about NOUNS...

So if you find the noun and ask those questions, you will find the adjectives.

To identify the adjective in the sentence "Heavy rains fell throughout the state," we need to understand what an adjective is. An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.

In this sentence, the adjective is "heavy." It describes the noun "rains" and gives us additional information about the type of rains that fell.

To find the adjective, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the noun or pronoun in the sentence. In this case, the noun is "rains."
2. Look for a word that describes or provides more information about the noun. In this case, "heavy" is the word that modifies the noun "rains," indicating that the rains were of significant intensity.

So, the adjective in the sentence is "heavy."