Liam is building a fence around his entire backyard. The backyard is 24 feet wide and 60 feet long. If Liam uses sections of fencing that are 12 feet long, how many sections does he use?

24/12 = ?

60/12 = ?

Add them together and multiply by 2.

thank you it means the answer is 10


ok i got it, is it 14?


thank you

Yes. 14 sections

SO its 10?

To determine the number of sections Liam needs to build a fence around his entire backyard, we need to calculate the total perimeter of the backyard and then divide it by the length of each section of fencing.

The backyard has a width of 24 feet and a length of 60 feet. To find the perimeter, we sum up the lengths of all four sides:

Perimeter = 2 * (width + length)

Perimeter = 2 * (24 + 60)

Perimeter = 2 * 84

Perimeter = 168 feet

Now we divide the total perimeter by the length of each section of fencing (12 feet) to find the number of sections needed:

Number of sections = Perimeter / Length of each section

Number of sections = 168 / 12

Number of sections = 14

Therefore, Liam needs to use 14 sections of fencing to build a fence around his entire backyard.