What were seven weaknesses of the articles of confederation(please answer quick)

.Not strong federal government
.strong state government

To identify seven weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, we first need to understand the structure and nature of this early American government system. The Articles of Confederation were the United States' first written constitution, adopted in 1781 and replaced by the Constitution in 1789. Here are seven commonly identified weaknesses:

1. Weak Central Government: The Articles created a weak federal government that lacked necessary powers to effectively govern the nation. This limited the government's ability to enforce laws and resolve conflicts.

2. No Executive Branch: The Articles did not establish an executive branch, which meant there was no single leader or administrative body to execute and enforce laws.

3. No Judicial Branch: The Articles also did not establish a federal court system or a judicial branch. This led to a lack of consistency in interpreting and applying laws across the nation.

4. Inability to Collect Taxes: The Articles gave the federal government limited authority to impose taxes, making it difficult to generate revenue to support the country's operations. This led to financial instability and the inability to pay off debts.

5. No Power to Regulate Trade: The federal government lacked the power to regulate interstate commerce and foreign trade. This resulted in economic disputes and barriers between states, hindering economic growth and cooperation.

6. Lack of Military Power: The Articles granted Congress limited control over the military. Without a strong federal military, the nation faced challenges in defending itself and maintaining security.

7. Difficulty in Amending the Articles: The process of amending the Articles of Confederation was extremely challenging, requiring unanimous approval from all 13 states. This meant that making any necessary changes and improvements was practically impossible, leading to a stalemate in governance.

These weaknesses ultimately led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention and the creation of the United States Constitution, which addressed these concerns and provided a stronger framework for a federal government.
