An object accelerates(changes its speed) only if the forces acting on it in one direction are greater than the forces in the opposite direction, all of the following objects will accelaerate EXCEPT?

You did not list the "following objects"

Correction: Acceleration is a change is velocity, not speed. An object traveling a circular path at constant speed is accelerating by changing its direction.

Im having trouble writng my lab report its on Density of Solid objects and I don't know where to start!

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To determine which of the following objects will not accelerate, we need to consider the forces acting on them in different directions.

According to Newton's second law of motion, an object will accelerate when the net force acting on it is not zero. The net force is the sum of all the individual forces acting on the object.

Now, let's look at each option and analyze the forces acting on them in different directions:

1. A car being pushed forward by the engine force. The engine force is greater than any opposing forces (such as friction or air resistance), so the car will accelerate.

2. A book resting on a table. In this scenario, the weight of the book is acting downward, while the normal force from the table is acting upward. Since these forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, they cancel each other out, resulting in a net force of zero. Therefore, the book will not accelerate.

3. A rocket engine firing in outer space. The rocket engine provides a thrust force that is greater than any opposing forces (such as air resistance). Therefore, the rocket will accelerate.

4. A person riding a bicycle uphill. In this case, the force of gravity is acting downward, while the force of the person pedaling is acting in the forward direction. As long as the force exerted by the person is greater than the force of gravity, the bicycle will accelerate uphill.

Based on our analysis, the object that will not accelerate is the book resting on a table.