Which of the following is the correct plural form of "carne sabrosa"?

a. carne sabrosas
b. carnes sabroses
c. carne sabrosos
d. carnes sabrosas***
Answer this Question

i swallowed an entire sharpie once

I ate a lot of pennys once and I had to get surgery... I wasn't doing too well and my mom asked the doctor how I was doing... He said: There's no change.


Correct. :)


good for you^^

To find the correct plural form of "carne sabrosa," we need to consider both nouns and adjectives in Spanish. In Spanish, nouns and adjectives have to agree in gender and number.

The noun "carne" is a feminine singular noun, and "sabrosa" is a feminine singular adjective that agrees with the noun.

To form the plural of this phrase, we need to change both the noun and the adjective to their plural forms. In this case, "carne" becomes "carnes," and "sabrosa" becomes "sabrosas."

Therefore, the correct plural form of "carne sabrosa" is "carnes sabrosas."

So, the correct answer is d. carnes sabrosas.