Okay, I have to translate these words into symbols...

The set containing 5 and 7 as elements is a subset of the set containing the odd positive intergers.

Thank you!!!

also, i have another problem with the same directions...

The intersection of sets "A" and "B" is commutative.

AN(that weird n)B=BNA

To translate the given statement into symbols, we need to understand the notation used for sets and subsets.

1. The set containing 5 and 7 as elements:
This can be represented as {5, 7}. Note that the order of elements does not matter in sets, so {7, 5} would also represent the same set.

2. The set containing odd positive integers:
This set can be represented as {1, 3, 5, 7, ...}, where the ellipsis (...) indicates that the pattern continues indefinitely to include all odd positive integers.

3. Subset notation:
The subset relationship is denoted using the symbol ⊆. If every element of one set is also an element of another set, then the first set is a subset of the second set.

Now, let's translate the statement into symbols:
The set {5, 7} is a subset of {1, 3, 5, 7, ...}.

Using the subset notation, we can write it as:
{5, 7} ⊆ {1, 3, 5, 7, ...}.

So, the translation of the statement into symbols is {5, 7} ⊆ {1, 3, 5, 7, ...}.