How did the presidential plan for reconstruction differ form congresses plan?

A congress believed it and not the president should have power over reconstruction.
B the president believed that congress will be too soft on southern rebels
C congresses plan denied blacks and citizenship rights
D all of the above

I think it's D, But i'm not sure.

No, it is not D.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze each statement:

A) Congress believed it and not the president should have power over reconstruction.
This statement is correct. During the Reconstruction era, there was a significant power struggle between the President (Andrew Johnson) and Congress regarding who should be in charge of the Reconstruction efforts. Congress passed several legislation and policies to assert its control over the process.

B) The president believed that congress will be too soft on southern rebels.
This statement is also true. President Andrew Johnson, who was in office during the Reconstruction period, believed that Congress was being too harsh on the Southern states and advocated for a more lenient approach towards the rebels. He implemented his own plan, known as the Presidential Reconstruction, which aimed to restore Southern states' rights swiftly and without imposing strict punishments.

C) Congress' plan denied blacks citizenship rights.
This statement is correct as well. The Congress established the Reconstruction Amendments, such as the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which granted civil rights and citizenship to African Americans. While Johnson's plan did not explicitly reject the establishment of these rights, it did not prioritize their enforcement or protection.

Considering the explanations above, option D) "all of the above" is the correct answer. The presidential plan for Reconstruction differed from Congress's plan in all of those ways.