Alice works part-time after school. On Monday, Alice records that she worked three and two-sixth hours. On Tuesday, Alice records that she worked one and seventy-five hundredths hours. On Wednesday, Alice records that she worked two and two-thirds hours. On Friday, Alice records that she worked five and six-twelfths hours. Alice knows that she worked sixteen and three-sixths hours for five days. Allice forgot to record how many hours she worked on Thursday. How many hours did Alice work on Thursday? Alice earns seven dollars and twenty-five cents to buy a new game player. How many more hours does Alice have to work to have enough money to buy the game player?

Wait the answer doesn’t make sanders to me

Sorry I meant to say the answer doesn’t make sense to me. My bad

This doesn’t Mach my homework



Makes absolutely no sense.....😾

To find out how many hours Alice worked on Thursday, we can subtract the total number of hours she worked from Monday to Friday from the known total of 16 and 3/6 hours.

The total hours Alice worked from Monday to Friday are as follows:
Monday: 3 and 2/6 hours
Tuesday: 1 and 75/100 hours
Wednesday: 2 and 2/3 hours
Friday: 5 and 6/12 hours

Let's convert all the fractions to a common denominator to make the calculation easier.

2/6 can be simplified to 1/3
75/100 can be simplified to 3/4
6/12 can be simplified to 1/2

So the converted values are:
Monday: 3 and 1/3 hours
Tuesday: 1 and 3/4 hours
Wednesday: 2 and 2/3 hours
Friday: 5 and 1/2 hours

Now let's add up these hours:
3 and 1/3 + 1 and 3/4 + 2 and 2/3 + 5 and 1/2 = 12 and 14/12 hours

Now, subtract this total from the known total: 16 and 3/6 - 12 and 14/12

To subtract fractions, we need to convert them to have a common denominator. The least common denominator for 6 and 12 is 12.

16 and 3/6 can be converted to 16 and 6/12
12 and 14/12 stays the same

Now, subtract the fractions: 16 and 6/12 - 12 and 14/12 = 3 and -8/12

Since the fraction is negative, we need to borrow from the whole number: 3 - 1 = 2

So, the result is: 2 and (-8/12) hours.

To simplify the fraction, we can rewrite -8/12 as -2/3.

Therefore, Alice worked 2 and 2/3 hours on Thursday.

Now, let's calculate how many more hours Alice needs to work to have enough money to buy the game player.

Alice earns $7.25, and we know she earns this amount after working a certain number of hours. Let's find out how much she earns per hour.

To calculate the hourly wage, divide the total amount earned ($7.25) by the total number of hours worked (16 and 3/6 hours).

First, convert 16 and 3/6 hours to a decimal: 16.5 hours

Now, divide $7.25 by 16.5 hours: $7.25 / 16.5 = $0.44 per hour (rounded to the nearest cent)

Since Alice still needs $7.25 to buy the game player, divide $7.25 by $0.44 to find out how many more hours she needs to work:

$7.25 / $0.44 = 16.47 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Alice needs to work approximately 16.47 more hours to have enough money to buy the game player.

I really don't get it your question makes no sense and you should not be a teacher.

Add the hours she recorded that she worked.

Subtract those hours from 16.5 hours to find the number of hours she worked on Thursday.

Multiply 16.5 * 7.25 to find her total wages for the week.