What is the correct way to say "I prefer milk" in Spanish?

A. Yo prefero leche
B. Yo prefiero leche***
C. Yo preferir leche
D. Yo priefero leche

Omg y'all are no help

I'm not entirly sure but i think that might be the correct answer!

I tuck the test in 6 grade yes you are right.

B. Yo prefiero leche

The correct way to say "I prefer milk" in Spanish is B. Yo prefiero leche.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the sentence and look at each part:

1. "I" is translated to "yo" in Spanish.
2. "Prefer" is translated to "prefiero" in Spanish. This is because the verb "preferir" means "to prefer" and it needs to be conjugated to match the subject "yo."
3. "Milk" is translated to "leche" in Spanish.

Combining these parts, we get "Yo prefiero leche" as the correct translation.

I think that is the correct answer