1)Carson lost 5 pounds in one week. What property is used in this situation? Why?

2)Frankie wanted to buy a new hat for $14, but left the store without buying anything. What property is used in this situation? Why?

1) In the first situation, the property being used is subtraction of numbers. To determine that Carson lost 5 pounds in one week, you would need to subtract 5 from his initial weight. The subtraction property is used because we are subtracting the amount of weight Carson lost from his initial weight to find his final weight.

2) In the second situation, the property being used is multiplication of numbers. If Frankie wanted to buy a hat for $14 but left the store without buying anything, the multiplication property is used to calculate the cost of the hat. Frankie's desired hat price is multiplied by the quantity of hats he wanted (which is 1 in this case) to find the total cost. In this situation, the total cost would be $14 x 1 = $14.